Sunday, October 28, 2007

(Not so) Deep thoughts about Flickr

Flickr or Shutterfly are extremely useful for library events, especially those with a lot of child participation. Kids love getting their pictures taken - and it is a GREAT way to advertise your library and services by showing patrons - young and old alike - having fun at the library. Potential cons? People are pretty leary about having their personal information (including photo) on the Internet for all to see. A possible way to circumvent this is simply posting a picture of patrons involved in library usage without any personal identifiers... such as name, last name, etc.,

Any additional potential issues can be addressed by drafting a sensible "personal photo usage" policy which patrons can read before agreeing to have their picture posted.

Another bonus? You can do a lot of fun stuff with Flickr... can't wait to fiddle with it some more... maybe put a mustache on my stogie picture...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Relaxing in Texas

When my mind is overworked with Project Play, I sometimes need a bit of a change of pace....

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My favorite quote of all time

"Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines." A fabulous quote - especially in the business world. On that inspirational note, I wish you all a great WLA and weekend.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Help me out! Take my survey

Just something I did while playing around with survey monkey. So I couldn't think of a deep question like "what ideas do you have to solve world hunger?" - my brain is on information overload. I blame my RSS feeds. 

I'm curious to see answers to my survey, though: Click Here to take survey

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Feedback -pros and cons?

I'm the type of person that actually invites feedback. To me, there's almost nothing negative to be gained from people commenting on your blog. Even the more negative posts will have something useful in there - and people who truly want improvement will often provide insights that I've never considered. 

I'd like to have a feedback "thingy" on a library blog so that patrons can comment on what they read. It's pretty poor customer service if you don't know what your patron needs - and feedback is a good way of finding out what's on their mind. It drives me absolutely NUTS when businesses pay no attention to what their client wants or needs - having more feedback on blogs would be a great way for libraries and companies to improve services. Just my not-so-humble two cents...

One possible con: there still is a fairly large segment of library users that are computer illiterate - so there needs to be ways to reach them too and invite them to be brave and comment on a blog. Any thoughts there? 

Let me know what you all think - I'm still learning as I go... so I could be way off the mark here - but I don't think so.