Sunday, October 28, 2007

(Not so) Deep thoughts about Flickr

Flickr or Shutterfly are extremely useful for library events, especially those with a lot of child participation. Kids love getting their pictures taken - and it is a GREAT way to advertise your library and services by showing patrons - young and old alike - having fun at the library. Potential cons? People are pretty leary about having their personal information (including photo) on the Internet for all to see. A possible way to circumvent this is simply posting a picture of patrons involved in library usage without any personal identifiers... such as name, last name, etc.,

Any additional potential issues can be addressed by drafting a sensible "personal photo usage" policy which patrons can read before agreeing to have their picture posted.

Another bonus? You can do a lot of fun stuff with Flickr... can't wait to fiddle with it some more... maybe put a mustache on my stogie picture...


Unknown said...

Cool picture and post! I like your idea of a photo usage policy for libraries.

Beth said...

Can't wait to see how you "pimp" your photo up. Aren't these tools great fun?! :)